Let me begin, my dear friends, with a little pet peeve of mine. As I attempt to encode my thoughts into words for you to read and decode, I realize that what I am about to say might be written out of angst or out of some deep and rooted anger, released by the monday morning grog and the flickering of my favorite fluorescent friend. However, I am willing to release my frustrations through this blog post and ultimately for the entertainment of my four followers.
As I walked to my cube this morning, I passed several other cubes. Walking past one cube in particular I was stopped by its absurdity. This cube was obnoxiously overcrowded. Every patch of the burlap wall was completed covered in crayon colored construction paper, little finger-painted Christmas presents, clippings from the comic section of cartoons with jokes about working in a cubicle, a calender of puppies wearing funny costumes relevant to each month, and even the Princess Diana commemorative TY beanie baby from the 90's pined by the arm and placed next to a small gold framed picture of Diana with the words "Never Forgotten". The worst was a poster of two angels luminously floating in the clouds with the makes-me-want-to-throw-up-non-inspirational inspirational quote written in bold font saying, "Shoot for the moon, even if you miss, you'll land among the stars."
What makes this scene even worse is that, despite being surrounded by all that adorable crap, the cubicle dweller is probably miserable, trying to cover up their misery with precious moments dolls and pictures of cuddly penguins and non-inspirational inspirational quotes.
Now, I don't give a crap who you are or what you do. Live and let live, baby! Heck, you can worship a two headed sheep if you want, that's your prerogative. I just don't want to walk past your office and get stopped by Big Mouth Billy Bass singing Take Me To The River by Al Green every time I have to go to the restroom. And, I sure as heck don't want feel how realistic your sleeping kitty in a basket feels - I know it's made from real rabbit fur!
There is nothing that peeves me more than the gauty, obnoxiously crowded, overstuffed, cluttered cubicle.
I need it simple - a photo of the family, a stapler, maybe even a pencil or two, but NO BEANY BABYS! And, absolutely no scenic calenders or inspirational quotes. There is no need to make yourself more miserable, people! It's like, "Hey! I'm still cool, I have beany babys, and I love to look at scenes of mountains that I will never visit because I don't even know where they are and I can't get out of the office because I love my dog calender so much!" Blah.
Per this post, I have decided that I am going for obnoxious. I plan on decorating for the holidays, bringing in my Christmas lights and talking Santa for Christmas, and because Memorial Day is coming up, I plan in lining my cubicle with flags and memorabilia from the Dollar Store. All shame aside; It's war.
Here are some overstuffed cubicles, for your enjoyment:

I'm impressed. I'm impressed with your willingness to fight back. Obviously not in the conventional way; the cube wars.
ReplyDeleteI have guns, too, if you need them.
LA, I've got a glorious cubicle to show you from my San Fran job.