Thursday, June 25, 2009

The watering hole...

Do you ever consider the interactions that take place in or around the office water cooler? Its a marvel. Somehow every time I get up to get a drink of water, or a sip of coffee by the nearby coffee stand, some guy realizes that he's thirsty as well and comes over to join. Its an awkward place. Its a place like no other. Its a place where meaningless conversation, and mindless banter occurs, all for the sake of...simply taking place. Its an excuse to get up and stretch and a place to tell inside jokes or quote favorite movies. Its a place to reminisce about the days activities and gossip about your fellow cubicle dwellers. Its a place to release emotion, sadness, and joy. Its a place that cannot be replaced, and shouldn't.

But, does the water cooler increase production or slow it down? Does it help morale and serve as a refresher for your employees? I appreciate my water cooler and wouldn't change it for a thing.

The watering hole...excuse me, the water cooler, somewhat resembles your local bar - cozy, comfortable, and a lot of small talk.

Check out my watering hole, and send me pics of yours.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The view from atop!

Hello down there! ... I said HELLOOO DOWN THERE!

Phew! I assume you can't here that. Unless your hearing is unconventionally keen, it would be difficult, when standing on the ground, to hear me greet you with salutations from my lofty view here in my new cube. After relocating several times and finally arriving at a cozy cube by a window overlooking a pond and a mulberry tree. Everyday I fixate on birds of all species, colors and sizes. This week a scruffy Robin perched on a branch near the window and cleaned himself. It was one of the oddest things i've ever seen. This dirty little robin was scratching his head with his claw. It took him ten minuets to do it and I watched him the whole a creeper.

This brings me to my main point. Maybe it is better for efficiency and workflow to put your employees in a cube facing a wall, much like my old cube. However, I am indeed much happier with my pleasant view and the work that I do gets done with a smile on my face and is completed with better quality.

So, I ask you: Do you think its better to have happy employees who get less work done but do it better because they are more relaxed and happier? Or do you think its better to have a somber employee without a view that gets more work done, but the quality is lacking?

See my view in the photo above. And Goooooooodddd byeeeee! (but you probably didn't hear that either)

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

From cubicle to shining cubicle!

I've made myself comfortable in a new cube. I had to pack up my picture frames, my ethnic tissue box, scenic calender, and my tac-board and relocate to a new company with a new cube and a new chair. Its a 21 century cube, smaller, retro with modern colors, and complete with a Herman Miller air-on desk chair.

It was a fascinating experience, moving to my new home. I had to adjust to the modern theme, the new smell, and the new atmosphere with new people. I have a window, rather I HAD a window. I was relocated thrice and ended up in the windowless cube in the corner. But, the caramel colored walls will substitute for now.

The main difference is the noise. There are lots of cubes, and lots of people. And, I must try to convey my thoughts to you through the chatter of salesmen answering phones, mothers talking about their daughters boyfriends, and the managers trying to make sure their people aren't saying anything to customers that might hurt the business.

I sit here both in bliss and sadness. I am gleeful of the change and interested to see what life will be like in my 21st century cube, and I am saddened to leave the old cube behind and the memories and countless blogs that took place there.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

When it rains... the cubicle gets wet

It is indeed an unfortunate moment when you walk into your cube Wednesday morning, excited to embrace another day, and you step in a puddle. A puddle? Yes, it seems that thunderstorms not only bring lightning and hail, but they also bring with them a furry of rain that can penetrate even the strongest cubicle walls, and do it with malice.

Three cubes down from mine, Dave's cube, got a good two inches of water sitting in and around his office chair, the power cords, and the most humorous piece of equipment with googly eyes taped on the side ( i wish I could explain this piece better, but you will just have to imagine).

Instead of bringing in a fan to start blowing on the water logged carpet, they are brainstorming what to do. I didn't need someone to tell me what to do before I jumped into action. I made my way to the bathroom for some towels to provide my little cube with an immediate solution. However, it seems as if we are out of paper towels so I was able to suffice with an entire roll of toilet paper that I brought back to the cube with me.

Toilet paper in hand, I got down on my knees to assess the situation at a more intimate distance. As I discovered, little damage had been done, and my quick thinking saved a few office products from getting splashed by the angry flood.

My toilet paper was not as successful as I would have hoped. In fact, residue from the one-ply Charmin is still stuck to parts of the carpet, but most of the water is gone.

Unfortunately, Dave's cube was the hardest hit and he was forced to evacuate and seek shelter in a cube on higher ground.

I'd love to hear some solutions that I could pass on to Dave as he struggles to get by in his unfamiliar cube. I'd like to help him assimilate back into his cube as soon as possible. It seems the thunderstorm, and trailing water damage has, (pardon the pun) dampened his spirit.