One of the great tragediennes of growing older is that you must give up some things that keep you quite comfortable and safe. For instance, your crib keeps you from falling out of bed while sleeping, the Binky keeps you from crying, and the sippy-cup, a friend of all clumsy hands and forgetful elbows keeps us from spilling our drinks - brilliant!
Some of us wish that we hadn't graduated so quickly from the safety of our sippy cups.
It was another Friday morning in the cube, the fluorescent lights were shining, the air conditioning was rustling through my hair, and the smell of fresh brewed coffee could be detected from my cube. I was quite complacent, until I went for the coffee pot. I'd spent a good 8 minuets grinding the Starbucks Italian Blend coffee beans and watching the liquid peculate in the jar. I poured an especially large portion and brought it back to the safety of my cube, much like the safety of my crib... the cubicle walls keep me from falling out of my cube when I'm sleeping. What?
As I was truly enjoying my cup-o-joe and studying the countries of Europe, I quickly reached for my cup and destroyed it! POW! I knocked it, with zero finesse, right into the keyboard, onto my lap, and soaked the mouse pad (which is sitting underneath my desk to dry out now). I stared for a few seconds at the coffee, my coffee, dripping and bumbling through the keys. It was gross. I mean really gross.
I jumped up quickly, tripping over the power cord, and stumbling into the hall. I had the attention of my co-workers at this point, especially because I am now running( and I do mean running) to get some paper towels from the bathroom, because the coffee, my delicious coffee, was soaking through my key board and ruining whatever components were in its path! Oi Vey!
I start wiping off the keyboard, which is still plugged in, and every time I ran the towel over the keys it obnoxiously went *ding*, *ding*, *ding*. Audible enough for my neighbors to hear. From whipping off random keys I sent an e-mail with a title "lhgfdgfdhgfk" and no content to one of my co-workers. It was also dripping on my foot and I happened to be wearing sandals.
It was a pathetic scence.
All of this could have been avoided if I wasn't so prideful and would just drink my coffee out of a sippy cup.